New branch in Place Ste-Foy to better serve you!

Buy a gift card

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Step 1

Prochain Step 2

Select a picture to use for your gift card

Fill in the details of the gift card

How would you prefer to give your gift?

You can send directly to the recipient or to yourself for printing at home later.

You’ll be able to print the gift certificate after checkout.


Gift cards

You give {{formatToCurrenyLocal(giftCardInfo.amount)}}
Card given to {{giftCardInfo.cardInfos.for}}
By {{giftCardInfo.cardInfos.from}}

Send via email - {{}}


Print upon purchase

You’ll be able to print the gift certificate after checkout.
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Step 2


You must create an account to facilitate the tracking of your purchases and bookings and allow us to offer you better customer service.

If you already have an account, please sign in:

Customer information

Welcome {{clientInfo.firstName}}

Customer information

Your password must contain between 8 and 25 characters and at least 1 uppercase/lowercase/number

Payment information

Billing address

Shipping address

Cancelation politic

Your gift card order has been successfully placed [Order #{{giftCertificateNumber}}]

Thank you for your order. A confirmation has been sent to you by email and your gift card will be sent on the chosen date. Do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have any questions.

You give {{formatToCurrenyLocal(giftCardInfo.amount)}}
Card given to {{giftCardInfo.cardInfos.for}}
By {{giftCardInfo.cardInfos.from}}

Send via email - {{}}


Print upon purchase


Suite à l’annonce du Gouvernement du Québec et par souci de protéger la santé de notre clientèle et celle de nos employés, Le Spa Infinima est dans l’obligation de fermer ses installations jusqu’au 4 mai.

Nous continuerons de suivre de près l’évolution de la situation et les indications provenant de l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) ainsi que des autorités provinciales.

Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous par courriel.

Sachez que notre boutique en ligne reste néanmoins ouverte pour toutes commandes de produits et de certificats cadeaux.

Merci à vous chère clientèle fidèle, se sera un honneur pour nous de vous recevoir lorsque la situation actuelle sera rétablie.

Jean-Francois Pouliot
